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Data Science Related Courses

Computer Science
Information Systems


Courses within the Biology department relating to Data Science.

BIO 165 - Introduction to Bioinformatics

Introduction to basic concepts in bioinformatics. Standard bioinformatic applications.

BIO 364 - Bioinformatics Algorithms

In this course, students learn theory and concepts of bioinformatics algorithms that are used in the field. They gain experience implementing these algorithms and applying them.

BIO 465 - Capstone in Bioinformatics

The overall purpose of this course is to help students develop skills in bioinformatics research techniques, apply these techniques to primary-research questions, and make well-supported scientific conclusions that link basic biology and computational techniques.

BIO 494R - Bioinformatics

Independent student research in bioinformatics under faculty supervision.

Computer Science

Courses within the Computer Science department relating to Data Science.

CS 180 - Introduction to Data Science

This course is a broad, interdisciplinary look at the field of data science, and how to derive insight from data. It will develop technical skills (including some python programming, statistics, linear algebra, machine learning, data cleaning and visualization) as well as data literacy (mental frameworks for decomposing data science problems, critical thinking about potential conclusions of an analysis, and potential pitfalls of overreliance on unreliable data).

CS 240 - Advanced Software Construction

Advanced software development with an object-oriented focus. Design, implementation, and testing of medium-sized programs including a server program.

CS 270 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Understand the fundamental models of machine learning, such as neural networks, decision trees, data mining, clustering, Bayesian learning, ensembles, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. Work with data and machine learning tools in real world applications.

CS 412 - Linear Programming and Convex Optimization

Optimization, problem formulation, and solution algorithms, including simplex and interior point methods. Applications from control, data mining, finance, game theory, learning, network flow, operations research, and statistical estimation.

CS 453 - Fundamentals of Information Retrieval

Concepts and terminology of information retrieval (IR) systems. Design methodologies and issues. Fundamental IR models examined: Boolean, Vector Space, Probabilistic models, and evaluation strategies.

CS 470 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to core areas of artifical intelligence; intelligent agents, problem solving and search, knowledge-based systems and inference, planning, uncertainty, learning, and perception.

CS 471 - Voice User Interfaces

This class introduces students to basic methods and development platforms for Voice User Interfaces (VUI's) including Google Actions, Amazon Alexa Skills, and others. Students will learn principles of effective VUI design, discover the key ways in which voice interfaces differ from visual or menu-based interfaces, and delve into back-end mechanics of Automatic Speech Recognition, Intent Detection, Slot Filling, Dialog State Tracking, Text Generation, and Knowledge Representation.

CS 473 - Advanced Machine Learning

Understand the fundamental models of machine learning, such as neural networks, decision trees, data mining, clustering, Bayesian learning, ensembles, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. Work with data and machine learning tools in real world applications.

CS 474 - Introduction to Deep Learning

Theory and practice of modern deep learning and associated software frameworks. A broad look at the field, drawing on material from machine vision, machine translation, dynamical systems, audio processing, neural computing and human perception. Supporting mathematical concepts are also covered, including linear algebra, stochastic optimization, and hardware acceleration.

CS 482 - Data Science Capstone 1

Culminating experience based on skills learned in advanced technical courses. Students work in teams to plan, design, implement, test, and demonstrate a major project.

CS 483 - Data Science Capstone 2

Culminating experience based on skills learned in advanced technical courses. Students work in teams to plan, design, implement, test, and demonstrate a major project.

CS 513 - Robust Control

Introduction to the analysis and design of feedback systems guaranteed to perform well in spite of model uncertainty.

CS 580 - Theory of Predictive Modeling

Mathematical, computational, and philosophical foundations of machine learning, control, and physical modeling. Introduction to system identification, causality, uncertainty, model approximation, and information geometry.

CS 653 - Information Retrieval for Graduate Students

IR modeling, IR query languages, text indexing and searching, retrieval evaluation, query and text operations, parallel and distributed IR, Web searching.

CS 674 - Advanced Deep Learning for Graduate Students

In-depth examination of the mathematical foundations of modern deep learning, surveying current research in the area. Topics include stochastic and distributed optimization, regularization, initialization, network architecture design, and loss function design. Concepts are developed in the context of various application areas including supervised learning, generative modeling, and reinforcement learning.

Information Systems

Courses within the Information Systems department relating to Data Science.

IS 315 - Introduction to Python Data Analytics

Learn the python programming language in the Jupyter Notebook format. Using that skill,
learn to create the statistics and visualizations required for univariate and bivariate analyses. Also learn core data cleaning and automation techniques relevant to modern data analytics.

IS 355 - Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

Create all types of machine learning models including regression, classification, clustering, forecasting, and text modeling. Learn automation techniques for machine learning pipelines.

IS 505 - Introduction to Python Data Analytics for Graduate Students

Learn the python programming language in the Jupyter Notebook format. Using that skill, students will learn to create the statistics and visualizations required for univariate, bivariate, and limited multivariate analyses. Learn core data cleaning and automation techniques relevant to modern data analytics.

IS 535 - Machine Learning Algorithms in Python for Graduate Students

Create all types of machine learning models including regression, classification, clustering, forecasting, and text modeling. Learn automation techniques for machine learning pipelines. This course is for graduate students.


Courses within the Linguistics department relating to Data Science.

LING 581 - Natural Language Processing

Intensive overview of natural language processing, including computational techniques, hands-on experience with linguistic technologies and corpora, language modeling approaches, and readings from current research.


Courses within the Mathematics department relating to Data Science.

MATH 380 - Mathematical Foundations of Data Science

Mathematical aspects of data science, including high-dimensional geometry and linear algebra, optimization, and probabilistic modeling.

MATH 402 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 1

Theory of probability and stochastic processes, emphasizing topics used in applications. Random spaces and variables, probability distributions, limit theorems, martingales, diffusion, Markov, Poisson and queuing processes, renewal theory, and information theory.

MATH 404 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 2

First course in mathematical statistics, focusing on mathematical aspects. Topics include estimation, inference, analysis of variance, regression, multivariate statistics, Bayesian statistics, state estimation, Kalman filtering, time series, GARCH models.

MATH 510 - Numerical Methods for Linear Algebra

Numerical matrix algebra, orthogonalization and least squares methods, unsymmetric and symmetric eigenvalue problems, iterative methods, advanced solvers for partial differential equations.

MATH 513R - Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics

Contact the math department for course information.

MATH 522 - Mathematical Foundations of Deep Learning

Mathematics necessary to understand how deep neural networks are formulated and designed. Analyzing the stability, generalizability, and potential extension of neural networks to new datasets.

MATH 525 - Network Theory

Representing networks mathematically. Measures and metrics, computer algorithms, random graphs, and large-scale structures. Percolation and network resilience. Dynamical systems on networks.


Courses within the Physics and Astronomy department relating to Data Science.

PHSCS 383 - Physical Reasoning with Data

An experiential learning physics-based approach to data science that includes designing physical experiments, collecting data, and investigating uncertainties, causality and correlation in datasets while developing cross-discipline technical communication skills.

PHSCS 580 - Theory of Predictive Modeling

Mathematical, computational, and philosophical foundations of machine learning and its dual problem, control. Introduction to system identification, causality, uncertainty, model approximation, and information geometry.


Courses within the Statistics department relating to Data Science.

STAT 121 - Principles of Statistics

Graphical displays and numerical summaries, data collection methods, probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing involving one or two means and proportions, contingency tables, correlation and simple linear regression.

STAT 220 - Statistical Modeling for Data Science

Statistical thinking, basic probability and random variables, estimation, uncertainty in estimation, inference and interpretation for the linear model, prediction, model comparison, introduction to Bayesian statistics, binary data, evaluating classification models, data ethics and privacy.

STAT 230 - Statistical Modeling 1

Scientific method, statistical thinking, sources of variation, completely randomized design, ANOVA, power and sample size considerations, multiple testing, randomized complete blocks, factorial designs, interactions. Introduction to statistical software.

STAT 240 - Probability and Inference 1

Set theory; probability; principles of counting; random variables; mathematical expectation; sampling distributions; point estimation.

STAT 250 - Applied R Programming

R programming skills; data cleaning and wrangling in R; introductory statistical analysis and graphics; simulation of introductory statistical concepts.

STAT 251 - Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

The scientific method; conditional probability; Bayes' Theorem; conjugate distributions: Beta-binomial, Poisson-gamma, normal-normal; Gibbs sampling.

STAT 286 - Data Science Ecosystems

Introduction to the basics of the Linux operating system. Command line interface is used to explore Linux/Unix utilities and tools. Fundamental concepts of python programming. Create and run python scripts from the command line. Introduction to database management systems, the basic structure of relational databases, and how to manage databases with Structured Query Language (SQL). Read and write simple and complex SQL statements. Integrate R, Python and SQL skills.

STAT 330 - Statistical Modeling 2

Regression, transformations, residuals, indicator variables, variable selection, logistic regression, time series, observational studies, statistical software.

STAT 348 - Predictive Analytics

Utilize statistical and machine learning analytical tools such as regression models, regression trees, time series models, nearest neighbors and neural networks to perform prediction tasks.

STAT 386 - Data Science Process

Principles of data science; web scraping; data wrangling; exploratory data analysis; data visualization; ethics; version control; data communication.

STAT 469 - Analysis of Correlated Data

IID regression, heterogenous variances, SARIMA models, longitudinal data, point and areally referenced spatial data.

STAT 486 - Machine Learning

Supervised and unsupervised learning; model evaluation; recommendation systems; natural language process and unstructured data; deep learning.

STAT 451 - Applied Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian analogs of t-tests, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, logistic regression, and Poisson regression implemented using Nimble, Stan, JAGS and Proc MCMC.

STAT 536 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Multiple linear regression, nonlinear regression, local regression, penalized regression, generalized additive models, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, tree-structured regression, support vector machines, neural networks.